Triumph: Jesse Owens and the Berlin Olympics
“Triumph: Jesse Owens and the Berlin Olympics” is an electrifying documentary executive produced by LeBron James and Maverick Carter’s award-winning UNINTERRUPTED and Cinemation Studios, in association with GroupM Motion Entertainment. With a powerful and evocative score by KOVAS, who also supervised the music, this film dives deep into the heart-pounding journey of Jesse Owens. It chronicles his unwavering dedication, monumental perseverance, and his incredible triumph over Hitler’s Aryan supremacy agenda, while also battling racism both abroad and at home.
After Jackie
KOVAS composes this touching documentary with a progressive score that weaves Orchestral, Jazz, Blues, and Soul music all in one compelling and cohesive way. Executive Produced by Lebron James , Maverick Carter, and Springhill Entertainment. Directed by Andre Gaines. The film tells the story of the players who entered in MLB after Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier.